Jim Knutson
After 38 years in the energy industry, Jim has recently retired from Trane Technologies where he led the Southern Arizona Trane Technologies team in energy conservation, sustainability, innovation and Career Technical Education (CTE) program development. Mr. Knutson is also the Founder & CEO of CONSENSUS, LLC (CONSulting/ENergy/SUStainability) that provides clients with 179D Energy Efficient Tax Deduction Certification services as part of the Energy Policy Act (EPACT) 2005.
In his previous role at Trane Technologies, Jim was heavily involved with clients such as Pima Community College (PCC) working with their Career Technical Education (CTE) & Applied Technology department. This effort helped to develop an education integration program with PCC facilities leadership, faculty and students turning all of PCC’s buildings into data analytics learning labs. This partnership includes shared priorities of developing a highly educated and a skilled workforce while expanding job opportunities in Southern Arizona and throughout North America.
In addition, Jim has been serving building owners with a wide array of energy efficiency programs, data analytics, water conservation and utility rebates + incentives in addition to the 179D tax deduction programs. This focus has resulted in over $750M Energy Efficiency Programs and sustainability funded through savings throughout his career. Current and past projects have been developed and managed throughout the US for Higher Education, K-12 Schools, state and local government, healthcare, data centers, commercial, and industrial clients.
Jim has led and served on numerous energy industry associations and boards such as the Energy Services Coalition, Association fo Energy Engineers, and the Department of Energy Combined Heat and Power Association. He was also awarded an Intermountain Region “CHP Champion” award for the Department of Energy and has served as a board member of the Nevada Energy Services Coalition (ESC). Jim also played a key role in drafting energy efficiency legislation in 10 states over the past 30 years.