Partners for Progress

In recognition of shared vision in key areas such as education, infrastructure, workforce development, governance and civic engagement, SALC is pleased to be aligned in a strategic partnership with Center for the Future of Arizona.

The Tucson Business Alliance (TBA) was established to provide the major Southern Arizona business organizations with a structure to formally interact and collaborate. TBA engages in a limited number of significant issues of common concern while respecting the autonomy of each of its member organizations. TBA helps ensure that the business voice in Tucson is collective and coordinated.

Arizona Alliance For Community Health Centers
Arizona Biotechnology Organization
Arizona Board of Regents
Arizona Technology Council
Arizona Business Education Coalition
Arizona Chamber of Commerce And Industry
Arizona Commerce Authority
Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association
Arizona Mexico Commission
Arizona Thrives
Bioindustry Organization of Southern Arizona
Business Partners for Trade & Transportation
Chicanos Por La Causa
Civic and Political Leadership Academy
Desert Angels
Downtown Tucson Partnership
Education Forward Arizona
First Things First
Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy
Flinn Foundation
Greater Phoenix Economic Council
Greater Phoenix Leadership
Greater Tucson Leadership
Health System Alliance of Arizona
Helios Education Foundation
Morrison Institute
Northern Arizona Leadership Alliance
Pima Association of Governments
The Preschool Promise
Rio Nuevo Downtown Redevelopment & Revitalization District
Rodel Foundation
Save Democracy
Southern Arizona Defense Alliance
Startup Tucson
Tucson Regional Water Coalition
Tucson Values Teachers
Tucson Young Professionals