Edson Luis Kemper
Bayer (Bayer Research and Development Services LCC)
Research and Development executive with broad leadership experience and scientific background in Ag industry. Experienced on establishing vision and setting strategic long-range plans, aiming the development of new products/processes and delivery of research pipeline. Through the career managed multi-million budgets, built capable operations, led project teams, and worked at different businesses to generate value. Developed strategies to the organizations to attract, develop, and retain talents while led cultural changes in workplace. Served as example for compliance and inclusion and diversity for the business.
Kemper holds a PhD in Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology Froom University of Campinas, Brazil and a MBA in Entrepreneurship from FGV, Brazil and Babson College, MA. Published several peer revised scientific articles in science magazines as The Plant Science and Nature and is co-author of Invention Disclosures.