The Public Policy & Engagement Committee monitors emerging issues related to the economic environment and quality of life in Southern Arizona and the state. The committee develops the legislative agenda for SALC with recommendations for action on pending legislation, initiatives and referendums for board consideration and coordinates SALC’s response.
- Asists the SALC board of directors by evaluating local and state public policy initiatives and requests for support that impact economic development and the business climate in Southern Arizona and the state
- Vets state and federal pieces of legislation that fall outside the purview of SALC’s five focus areas making recommendations to the board
Convened campaign to defeat a ‘sanctuary city’ proposition that would have caused Tucson to forfeit more than $138 million in state-shared revenue and federal grants, and would have prevented federal partners like FBI and DEA from assisting local police in solving crimes.
Successfully led engagement with legislature to give Pima County voters the authority to increase sales tax to fund future infrastructure.
Successfully advocated for 10-year extension to Rio Nuevo Multipurpose Facilities District, the driving force for revitalization in downtown Tucson.