David Cohen
BeachFleischman PLLC
David is a founding shareholder and Executive Vice President at Beach Fleischman PLLC. He was previously employed with the international CPA firms of Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers), Peat Marwick Mitchell (now KPMG) and Laventhol & Horwath. David’s areas of specialty include tax planning and strategy, business consulting and retirement planning. His industry experience includes real estate, high tech and software, professional services, manufacturing and distribution, medical practices and professional athletes.
David has been a member of SALC for many years and is a strong believer in SALC’s mission. He has been passionate about making Tucson and Arizona great places in which to live and work. David has a long history of service to the community, often taking a leadership role. In addition to his service with SALC as Co-Chair of the Membership Committee, David’s current involvements include Centurions; Desert Angels, Executive Committee member; TMC HealthCare, Trustee; Tax 20 Group, a National Tax Director Association; Tucson Tax Study Group, Director; and a member of the VIP Breakfast Club.
In 2003, David was appointed by former Governor Napolitano to serve on the Citizen’s Finance Review Commission to review the State’s tax structure. Other past affiliations include Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, Board of Trustees; Greater Tucson Economic Council (GTEC), past Treasurer; Metropolitan Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau (now Visit Tucson), past Chairman & Treasurer; Pima County Real Estate Research Council, Chairman (2005 & 2006); Ronald McDonald House, board trustee; Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault, President; Tucson Children’s Museum, Treasurer; Tucson Horizons, Vice President; Tucson Jewish Community Foundation, professional advisory group; United Way Volunteer in the Workplace award recipient, Father of the Year Honoree (2011); Walkup for Mayor of Tucson Committee, Treasurer (1999); Walkup for Mayor of Tucson Committee, Treasurer (2003).